FIFA 24: Cheer after scoring a goal – with these keys it works

by Pramith

To activate the goal celebration in FIFA 24, you only have to press the right buttons. There are several buttons available for this purpose.

FIFA 24: Activate and vary the cheer

FIFA 24, like the previous parts of the game series, offers a series of cheer animations that you can perform after a successful goal.

  • The basic goal-scoring cheer button is [B] on an Xbox controller, [circle] on PlayStation consoles and [A] on the Nintendo Switch. Use this input to perform a random cheer from the list.
  • Certain players such as Ronaldo, Rashford or Salah have a signature goal cheer. You perform this with either [A] on Xbox, [X] on PlayStation or [B] on Nintendo Switch consoles.
  • Further, there are a variety of other buttons that you can use for certain goal scoring cheers. These are combos that are necessary for the particular cheer.
  • On Xbox consoles, the [X], [Y], [RB], [RT], [LB] and [LT] buttons are also available. On PlayStation, they are [Triangle], [Square], [R1], [R2], [L1] and [L2].
  • When playing on the Nintendo Switch, you can also use the [Y], [X], [R], [RZ], [L] and [LZ] buttons. Furthermore, the left and right triggers as well as the directional pad are used for the key combinations.
  • For example, if you want to perform the cheer Faking It, you must use the following combination on Xbox consoles: Hold the [LT] button and tap the right trigger twice to the left.
  • On the PlayStation, the combination works the same way. For this, you only have to hold the [L2] key instead of [LT], whereas on the Switch it is [LZ]. There are even more key combos for goal-scoring cheers, which encourages experimentation.

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