drive awayMosquitoes in the garden: How to get rid of them

by Flo

In summer, you have to share your garden and balcony with mosquitoes. But what you can do against mosquitoes outdoors and how you can even drive the pests out of your living spaces, you will learn in this practical tip.

This helps against mosquitoes in the garden

Mosquitoes settle mainly where they find water to lay their eggs. From there it is naturally meaningful to cover the rain barrel and to fill watering cans only if necessary. Apart from that, mosquitoes are sensitive to odors. Therefore, it is possible to work with natural means and with chemistry.

  • Mosquitoes are deterred by strong scents, but they are usually pleasant for humans.
  • That’s why plants can do a good job of keeping the pests off your back.
  • Of course, there are other means such as scented candles or sprays that you can use to drive mosquitoes out of your garden and off your balcony.

These plants do not like mosquitoes

In principle, intensely fragrant plants are particularly good at keeping mosquitoes out of the garden and off the balcony because of their essential oils. Thus, rosemary, lemon, lemon balm, lemongrass, lavender, mint, eucalyptus or basil are perfectly suitable. The scent is pleasant for humans, insects like bees also like the plants and the scent and buzz will bring you additional relaxation.

Mosquito repellent products

Naturally, there are also scented candles or scented bowls, some of which use oils and others chemical substances. In addition, there are sprays and creams that help them get rid of the pests. However, chemical products in particular should always be used with caution because they often contain irritating or toxic substances. Although these are not dangerous to humans, they can also become unpleasant.

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