Twitch Emotes – List of the most popular expressions

by Pramith

In our list of Twitch emotes you will find all the common emoji that can be seen in the most popular gaming streams. To make sure you don’t accidentally use them incorrectly, we also explain what they mean.

List of the most popular Twitch emotes

We have compiled a list of the most popular Twitch emotes for you. To write the emote in Twitch Chat, simply write it exactly as it appears at the beginning of each item. You should also pay attention to upper and lower case.

Kappa: The emote Kappy is the oldest of the Twitch emotes. It features Josh DeSeno, an employee of the streaming service Justin TV, which later became Twitch. They use the emote to signify sarcasm.

LUL: The best way to express amusement in chat is the emoji LUL. Seen here is a hearty laugh from game critic John Bain.

4Head: To express a laugh, you can use 4Head. The emote is used especially for schadenfreude or a supposedly stupid mistake. The face that can be seen here shows the streamer CadburryFTW.


Kreygasm: If something particularly satisfying happens, use Kreygasm. You can see here the streamer Krey.

FailFish: The best way to react to an embarrassing mistake, stupidity & Co. is to use FailFish.

NotLikeThis: Also an appropriate reaction to mishaps, disappointment and typical face-palm moments.

WutFace: WutFace is the equivalent of the chat abbreviation WTF. Disgust, amazement, fear and horror – on many occasions, WutFace is just the right reaction.

ResidentSleeper: Is the streamer or another viewer taking too long to grasp something? Is the game boring? Then ResidentSleeper comes into play!

SwiftRage: If you want to show that you might just be really upset about something, use SwiftRage.

BabyRage: Almost the same emote as SwiftRage, but this one features a baby. Like most emotes, it can be seen with a bit of a wink.

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