Cool your flat without air conditioning: The best tricks

by Johannes

Even without air conditioning, you can cool down your flat with the help of a few tricks. The secret: proper ventilation and practical devices. You can find out everything you need to know here.

Cooling your flat without air conditioning: The best tips and tricks

If it’s unbearably hot again in summer and you don’t have air conditioning installed, there are still a few ways to keep your flat cool:

  • Be prepared and follow the weather forecast. If a heat wave or a particularly hot day is forecast, you can take measures beforehand to prevent heat from entering the flat in the first place.
  • Ventilate crosswise during the night. The air is coolest at night, so you can cross-ventilate to let the cool air into the flat.
  • Early in the morning, lower all the shutters. This prevents the heat from entering through the windows in the first place. If you don’t have shutters, sun blinds are also a good way to keep out the sun’s aggressive rays.
  • Grab a fan. This helps to keep the air moving and creates a cooling sensation through the artificially generated wind. You can also equip the fan with damp cloths. These also help to spread coolness. However, always bear in mind that only the draught generates the subjective coolness and that fans usually only help when the outside temperature is below your body temperature (usually 37 degrees Celsius).

Cooling without air conditioning – there are even more options

There are many more ways to cool down your home when temperatures are high. For this, fall back on a few more insider tips.

  • Keep windows and doors closed during the day. If doors have large glass openings through which the sun’s rays penetrate into the flat, darken them.
  • As an alternative to a fan, you can also use a fan heater. These often not only have a heating function, but also a cooling function. In other words, you can use it as a kind of fan.
  • If you don’t have a fan in the flat, it also helps to hang large, damp cotton sheets, such as bed sheets, around the flat. This brings moisture and coolness into the room as the water evaporates.

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