The Cego rules are the key to this traditional card game. Although the processes may seem challenging at first, it quickly becomes clear why Cego has thrilled generations of players.
The most important Cego rules at a glance
Those who have mastered the Cego rules have laid the foundation for success in this fascinating card game. The combination of trumps, colors and game announcements ensures variety and excitement.
- Cards and number of players: Cego is played with a special tarot card game that includes 54 cards. There are 22 trump cards (tarot cards) that can trump any other color. Three suits (hearts, bells, acorns) each contain 8 cards, whose value ranges from king (highest card in the suit) to six in descending order. It is usually played with four players.
- Card values and ranking: In a tarot deck, there are special card values. The highest cards are king, queen, knight and jack. However, the tarot cards, which act as trumps and can therefore beat any suit, are of crucial importance.
- Card distribution and the blind: The dealer deals 11 cards to each player. The remaining 10 cards form the so-called “blind”, which is placed face down in the middle. The player who picks up the blind is the “sole player” and plays against the other three players. He then puts 10 cards back and names his game goal (e.g. Solo, Bettel, Ultimo).
- There are several main variants: Solo – The solo player tries to score more points than the opponents. Bettel – The goal is to get no tricks. Piccolo – The player must take exactly one trick. Ultimo – A specific card, often the “Geiß” (Tarock 1), must be won in the last trick.
- How to play: The player to the left of the dealer begins by taking the first trick. Play then proceeds clockwise. You must follow suit – that is, if a heart is led, you must also play a heart, if you have one. If not, you can play a trump or discard a card. The highest card in the trick wins it.
- Scoring: After the round, all players count the points from their won cards. Important cards such as king, queen or high tarot cards have special values: the king, for example, counts 5 points, while simple cards only score 1 point.
Tips for a successful game of Cego
A solid understanding of the Cego rules is the first step to mastering this game. Furthermore, it helps if you follow some tips.
- Use the blind effectively: As the only player, the blind offers you the opportunity to optimize your hand. First discard low, worthless cards to keep your strongest trump cards. This increases your control over the game. A pro tip: Try to keep a balanced mix of high trump cards and a few suit cards that you can easily get rid of.
- Use trumps carefully: Trump cards (Tarock cards) are your strongest weapon. Do not play them too early, but wait for situations in which you have to take an important trick. If you have many trump cards, you can force your opponents to play their strong cards early.
- Watch your opponents: Pay attention to the behavior of the other players: Which cards are played early? Which suits do your opponents seem to be unable to follow? Make a mental note of which Tarock cards have already been played. This will help you keep track of which cards are still in play.
- Don’t expose any colors when begging: In the “Bettel” variant, no trick may be won. Therefore, play small cards and avoid revealing individual colors that you cannot follow – your opponents will specifically try to “force” you.
- Prepare for the “Ultimo” precisely: When playing the “Ultimo”, you must ensure that you win the required card (e.g. Tarock 1) in the last trick. Play early so that you maintain control and your opponents have no chance of taking the last trick.
- Cooperate with fellow players as opponents: If you are not the sole player, work together with the others in a targeted manner. Try to play your cards in such a way that the sole player has little room for his strategy. Use trump cards to disrupt his control.
- Handy hint: Start by playing smaller games and focus on simple variants such as “Solo” or “Bettel”. As you gain experience, you will develop a feel for the dynamics of the game and learn to analyze situations with foresight.