If you wanted to meet people nearby on Telegram earlier, you could use a feature for that. However, the messenger service provider has removed this function from its app.
Telegram: Find people and groups nearby no longer exists
Until the summer of 2024, the messaging service Telegram offered a special feature that allowed you to find and get to know people and groups in your area. This made it easy to make new contacts, join local Telegram groups or create groups yourself.
- In September 2024, The Guardian, among others, reported that the “People Nearby” feature would be deleted. As a reason, he stated that the feature “had problems with bots and fraudsters”. It was said to have been used primarily for illegal activities.
- In addition to other normal users in the area, the normal Telegram user also saw companies and groups offering drugs or prostitution.
- The function is to be replaced by “Nearby businesses” that are reputable and legitimate. Abuse and privacy concerns, drug trafficking or prostitution are to be avoided.
- Telegram has made a difficult decision by removing a feature that was practical for many users. However, since the risks of abuse outweighed the benefits, you should view the company’s decision positively.