You can only find Netherite in Minecraft in the Nether. However, the resource is not abundant. We explain where you have to dig for it.
Find Netherite in Minecraft
Nether fortresses aren’t the only things you’ll find in the Nether in Minecraft. The rare Netherite, which can be used to make the strongest tools and armour, is also found in the Nether of Minecraft. You can find it at the following Nether locations:
- You can obtain Netherite by mining Ancient Scrap. This is quite rare and can only be found in accumulations of gravel, blackstone and Netherrack.
- A vein of ancient junk contains up to four blocks if you find them at a height of 8 to 22. The largest likely occurrence is at height 15. Less commonly, you will find veins with up to two units at heights from 8 to 119.
- The material is always completely covered and does not spawn directly in the air. So you have to dig through thoroughly before you find the junk.
- Even more rarely, you can get Ancient Scrap from chests found in Nether Bastion ruins. However, the chance is quite small.
How to reduce Netherite
Once you have found the Ancient Scrap in Minecraft, you will need to mine it to get Netherite:
- To mine the blocks, you will need at least one diamond pickaxe. So farm enough diamonds to get the Ancient Scrap.
- Since the ore is often hidden deep under other blocks, mining with a pickaxe can take quite a long time. Instead, use TNT to blast the way free.
- Ancient scrap is immune to explosions, while the other blocks around it are quickly eliminated by the TNT. For this reason, you do not have to worry about losing the resource.
- Blast your way gradually through the land mass at the previously mentioned heights to get to the scrap blocks. The method is especially effective on Netherrack accumulations.