Cleaning the bicycle chain: Here’s how

by Pramith

Manufacturers recommend cleaning the bicycle chain every 300 to 400 kilometres. This prevents premature wear. We will show you what you need for cleaning and how to go about it.

Clean your bicycle chain: What you need

  • The classic cleaning is done with a spray oil such as WD-40 or WD-40 Bike. However, normal WD-40 is perfectly adequate. One or two old rags are also needed.
  • Alternatively, you can use a chain cleaner. This promises a little more comfort, but costs a little more and requires additional cleaning afterwards.

Instruction: How to clean a bicycle chain properly

  • When working with the chain cleaning device, all you have to do is insert the chain into the apparatus. Turn the pedal and run the chain through several times. Wash the appliance out briefly and then start a second pass.
  • Using WD-40, spray an old rag or T-shirt in one place with it. Put the rag around the chain and turn the pedal. Once the entire chain is covered with WD-40, clean it with a clean part of the rag. Change the spot from time to time so that all the dirt is removed.
  • If nothing remains stuck in the rag, wait a few more minutes. The WD-40 has now settled. Now make a final pass with a clean rag.

Lubricate bicycle chain after cleaning

  • After cleaning, you must lubricate the chain again. To do this, you can use chain oil or chain oil for spraying.
  • Apply the chain oil to the inside of the chain. If you use chain wax, apply it to the outside of the chain.

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