UFO sightings in the USA: Info about the unidentified flying objects.

by Mike

There are many reports of UFO sightings, these are mostly reported in the US. Increased sightings have even been joined by shootings.

UFO sightings in the USA

For years, reports of unidentified flying objects have been increasing in the USA. On Sunday, February 12, 2023, the US Air Force shot down another flying object in the border area with Canada. This was the third time in three consecutive days.

  • It is unclear what kind of objects they were, where they came from and what their target was. A week earlier, a Chinese balloon was shot down by the military off the coast of South Carolina. ZDF reports that this one was used for espionage, according to the USA. Experts speculate that the increasing number of UFO sightings could be a sign of the power struggle between the US and China.
  • A government official described the object shot down on Sunday as an octagonal structure with strings hanging from it. Because it was travelling at an altitude of 6,000 metres over the state of Michigan, it was classified as a threat to civilian air traffic. The exact shape and origin of the object are unknown. The military hopes the recovery of debris will provide further answers to the background of the incident.
  • The US Secret Service reported that a total of 366 UFO sightings have been recorded since 2021. Of these, 163 were later identified as balloons, 26 as unmanned aerial vehicle systems or similar entities, and six as “clutter”. The latter could be, for example, flocks of birds, weather events or airborne debris such as plastic bags. Some sightings could also be attributed to operator or equipment error. Nevertheless, most of the new sightings have come from US Navy and Air Force pilots.

The UFOs are believed to have a terrestrial origin

Most experts hold the opinion that the UFO sightings are Chinese balloons. There are few voices of opinion that they are extraterrestrials.

  • According to experts, UFOs have a terrestrial origin. The increase in UFO sightings could also be linked to the Chinese balloon incident on 5 February 2023. As a result, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has adapted its radar system to inspect the airspace more closely and also look for smaller and slower objects.
  • According to Deputy Secretary of Defence Melissa Dalton, the change in systems “could explain, at least in part, the increase in objects we’ve detected over the past week”. However, experts suspect that Chinese balloons may also be responsible for the increased sightings.
  • Erich Schmidt-Eenboom of the Peace Policy Research Institute tells ZDFheute that such balloon deployments in Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines have been known to US intelligence agencies and other Western intelligence services for some time

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