Find Galaxy Buds: How to locate your headphones

by Pramith

Finding lost Galaxy Buds can be a complicated task. Fortunately, there are apps that can help you

Finding lost Samsung Galaxy Buds

Nowadays, almost everyone uses wireless headphones. They have many advantages: good sound, regular updates and, above all, no annoying headphone cables. On the one hand, this contributes greatly to freedom of movement, but on the other hand it can become a problem as soon as a pair of headphones falls out of your ear. If you are looking for one of your Galaxy Buds or have lost your case, try the Galaxy Wearable app. Samsung’s own app will help you locate your Galaxy Buds if you have lost them indoors:

  • Open the Galaxy Wearable app on your smartphone or tablet and select your lost Galaxy Buds there:
  • Scroll down and click on the “Find my Buds” option.
  • Now the bud(s) that are not in the charging case should emit a high-pitched sound. This can be heard for three minutes and helps you to locate your headphones.
  • Once you have found your buds again, press “Stop” in the app.
  • Important: Never start the headphone search if you or someone else is wearing the buds in their ear! The locating sound can be harmful to your hearing.

Find Galaxy Buds using the SmartThings app

However, if you have lost your Galaxy Buds while out and about, you can use Samsung’s SmartThings app. The app allows you to locate your smartphone or tablet, your friends or even your Galaxy Buds. This allows you to see exactly where you left them. The prerequisite is that your device has access to the Internet and you are logged in with your Samsung account. In addition, the “Find My Mobile” service must be activated.

  • The service can be activated in the settings of your device
  • Go to the “Security and data protection” item there.
  • Tap on the item “Find My Mobile”.
  • Now activate the option “Allow search for this phone”.
  • Now you can make localizations in your SmartThings app and are always up to date on where your Samsung Buds are located.
  • In the SmartThings app, you can also manage and locate all your Galaxy Smart Tags. If you have a bunch of keys or other important items with you that you don’t want to lose, you can add a smart tag to them.

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