For GTA 5, there is the so-called Director Mode. This is an extra game mode that offers numerous options and choices.
GTA 5: This is what the Director Mode can do
Director Mode is a gameplay mode introduced in the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5) with the Rockstar Editor and later added to the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 with the Freemode Events update on September 15, 2015.
- The mode is accessible via the Rockstar Editor menu and the interaction menu. The player can also access Director Mode via a contact named “Los Santos Talent” on each protagonist’s cell phone. This immediately puts the player in Director Mode.
- Director Mode is not available if the player is currently in a vehicle, is being searched for, or is actively participating in a mission.
- In this mode, the player can select a single actor from 17 different categories, which they control on a customized map in free mode.
- Important: Some actors are only available after they have been unlocked in Story Mode. The player will receive a HUD message indicating that a character has been unlocked for use in Director Mode. When selecting the actor, there is an option for most characters to switch through different outfits. Some of the NPC models can also be changed in this menu. If the actor is wearing a mask or other face-covering accessories, these cannot be removed during the session.
Numerous options in the settings menu
In the director mode of GTA 5, you can set and adjust various settings and options in the settings menu.
- The following options are available for the time of day: midnight, before dawn, dawn, morning, midday, afternoon, sunset, dusk
- Set the time of day in the game. Each time period starts at a predefined hour (e.g. midnight always starts at 00:00/12:00). When you access the interaction menu during a session, additional options are available to freeze the time and make manual fine adjustments.
- When it comes to weather, these options are available: Clear, Broken Cloud, Overcast, Cloudy, Christmas (snow), Smog, Fog, Rain, Thunderstorm
- Set the weather in-game. For players not participating in GTA Online, this is the only way to experience snowy weather in Los Santos, although the snow will not accumulate as it does in GTA Online
- Wanted status: Normal, Low, Medium, High, Disabled
- Set the wanted level, from Normal (unwanted, but the usual rules apply if the actor commits a crime) to Low (2 stars), Medium (3 stars) or High (5 stars) to Disabled (no wanted level can be reached in the session).
- Note that players can still be attacked by police, military, and security forces if the option “Disabled” is selected while they are in the middle of a fight or if they are attacked directly. The first responders (fire department, ambulance) will continue to arrive. The “good Samaritans” who can attack as witnesses to a crime are not disabled
- Option Pedestrian Density: Normal, Low, Medium, High, None
- Set the density of pedestrians in an area. Selecting None will also exclude non-flying animals.
- Vehicle Density: Normal, Low, Medium, High, None
- Selecting “None” also prevents parked vehicles, aircraft, and trains from spawning. However, trailers will still spawn, as will UFOs.
- You can also enable/disable the following options: Invincibility, Flaming Orbs, Explosive Orbs, Super Jump, Slidey Cars, Low Gravity On/Off Enables/disables the low gravity cheat, Clear Area