Returning Switch games – is that possible?

by Flo

Similarly to retail shops, you cannot return Switch games in the Nintendo Switch Shop. As with cartridges, which do not have to be returned once the packaging has been opened, you lose your right of withdrawal when you buy them in the Nintendo Shop.

When can you return Switch games?

Once you have opened Switch games from a shop or online retailer, you cannot return them any more than you can return games purchased digitally from the Nintendo Shop.This also applies to accidental purchases or incorrectly selected games.

  • Once purchased, Nintendo invokes the terms and conditions. A buyer automatically agrees to these when purchasing in the online shop. Unfortunately, they also state that the buyer immediately loses his right of withdrawal.
  • Of course, this also affects games that are not liked and this is probably one of the reasons for this practice. If players buy the games online, play them for a while and then return them, Nintendo loses money.
  • It’s the same with analogue cartridges, which can also be tested intensively and then returned on the grounds of not liking them.
  • Only in the case of unauthorised purchases could you be lucky. However, it will be difficult for you to prove that a minor and therefore non-business person made the purchase.
  • You can save yourself a lot of trouble by booking Nintendo Switch Online. This way you get many games on subscription at no extra cost.

This is what Nintendo advises its customers

To avoid hassle and frustration, Nintendo advises its customers to check the games and their contents carefully before buying.

  • Reading the description and looking at the screenshots could give a clue.
  • On the website, interested parties can also find out about games and thus learn whether a game is suitable for them.
  • Nintendo advises Switch owners to set an age restriction on the console and limit purchases.
  • Finally, Nintendo recommends that you check out websites and YouTube channels to learn more about the game and also watch videos about it.

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