Skyrim: Lost in the Past – how to solve the quest

by Pramith

The Skyrim quest “Lost in the Past” sends you on a search for aetherium shards to create a powerful artifact

Skyrim: Find aetherium shards for the quest “Lost in the Past “

The quest “Lost in the Past” can be started in Skyrim in various ways, for example when you read certain books or find one of the aetherium shards.

  • This is exactly what the quest is about. You need four aetherium shards to craft an artifact of your choice in the Aetherium Forge
  • You will find the first shard in the Dwemer Ruin Arkngthamz southeast of Markarth and west of Valthume. When you enter the dungeon, you will be greeted by Katria, who will accompany you to certain parts of the quest once you have given her permission
  • Equip yourself with a ranged weapon and scour the dungeon until you reach the Sound Castle, which can be recognized by the five resonators. You must shoot these in the correct order
  • First shoot the resonator at the bottom left, then at the bottom right. Then top left and then top right. Finally, shoot at the bottom center and the gate to the first splitter will open.
  • For the next shard, travel to the Deep Folk Crossing. This is on the way from Markarth to Solitude, right next to the mountains. The aetherium shard lies there on an old Dwemer altar along with a few pieces of equipment
  • After this, you must enter the next Dwemer ruin called Raldbthar, which you may have already partially cleared for the Dark Brotherhood. You will find the ruin southwest of Lake Yorgrim, which lies west of Windhelm.
  • At the end of the ruin, you must defeat a Dwemer Centurion and enter the rooms behind it. There you will find the third shard
  • The last shard is waiting for you in a guardroom in front of the Mzulft ruins south-east of Windhelm. You don’t even have to enter the dungeon for it

“Lost in the Past” in Skyrim: Find the Aetherium Forge

Once you have found the Shards in Skyrim, you must now find the Aetherium Forge.

  • These are located in the ruins of Bthalft. These are located west of Rifton and southwest of Treva’s Watch, not far from an Imperial camp.
  • To begin, insert the four shards into the base to activate the elevator. Use this to travel downwards
  • Now you are in the forge. Close the two valves and then fight the numerous constructs and the master blacksmith. Only then can you use the aetherium forge
  • To complete the quest, you must choose one of the following items: Aetheric Crown, Aetheric Staff or the Aetheric Shield. Read the description carefully, as you can only forge one of these items
  • This completes the quest and Katria thanks you. She can now finally rest and you can enjoy a valuable piece of equipment.

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