How long to water the lawn? Info on the right lawn watering

by Michaela

How long you should sprinkle the lawn depends on the outside temperature. When it’s a cloudy 20 degrees, the lawn sprinkler is used less often than when it’s blazing sun and sweltering heat. It is important to start watering in good time.

How long to sprinkle the lawn? The temperature determines the interval

To keep the lawn nice and green even in the summer heat, it must be watered regularly. A lawn sprinkler is often used for this purpose. In this section you will find all the important and useful information about lawn watering.

  • How often you sprinkle the lawn depends on the temperature and sunlight. At 20 degrees Celsius, less moisture evaporates from the lawn. Here it is sufficient if you water every ten days.
  • When the temperature is between 20 and 25 degrees, turn on the sprinkler every seven to ten days; when the temperature is between 25 and 30 degrees, watering is necessary every five to seven days, and above 30 degrees, every two to four days.
  • It is important to let the sprinkler run for at least 45 minutes. And: start watering in good time and not when the grass has already withered. A good indicator that it is time to water is the first limp leaves as well as a slight grey tinge.
  • The best time to water your lawn is in the early morning. Because of the coolness in the morning, little water evaporates. By midday, the moisture can seep deep into the soil. If you sprinkle in the evening, you risk very wet soil, as hardly any water evaporates. This can attract slugs and other vermin.
  • Tip:Freshly sown lawns should be watered briefly several times a day during extreme drought. This keeps the top layer moist, the seeds can swell well and the lawn can thrive.

Alternate watering and sprinkling: Save water, save wallet

With a lawn sprinkler, you distribute 500 litres of water per hour. These are large quantities. Therefore, you should sprinkle the lawn as water-efficiently as possible.

  • If possible, use automatic watering systems. Here you can adjust the amount of water precisely. You should also water the lawn once a week with a watering can – as long as the lawn area is manageable
  • The reason: The lawn sprinkler simply evaporates a certain amount of water into the air. In addition, the lawn sprinkler should be set so that it only waters the lawn and not additionally house walls, pavements or other plants that do not need watering.
  • And: The penetrating watering with the can prevents the lawn roots from growing flat. This makes the blades dry out more slowly.
  • Also avoid sprinkling the lawn in the midday heat. Evaporation is particularly high here, which means less moisture gets deep into the soil.
  • Apropos: You can tell whether you have watered sufficiently when the roots of the lawn are also moist. To do this, take a spade test about 15 centimetres deep after sprinkling. If the soil is dark in colour, the water has seeped deep enough into the soil.
  • Extra tip: Use rainwater to sprinkle the lawn. This is not only easy on the wallet – after all, tap water is very expensive – but also on the lawn sprinkler, which often copes worse with lime-laden tap water than with rainwater.

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