On the iPad, you can hide an app that you want to or several apps. This means that the app is no longer visible to others, but it is still present on the device.
Ipad: Hiding apps explained simply
Hide one or more apps to prevent other people who happen to look at your screen from seeing or opening them. However, the app does not disappear from the iPad after hiding. You can still find it in other places, such as in the settings or in the App Store purchase history. To hide an app, proceed as follows:
- Go to the home screen on the iPad.
- Find the app you want to hide.
- Now place one of your fingers on the app, i.e. on the app icon. The menu with quick actions opens.
- Click either “Request Face ID”, “Request Touch ID” or “Request passcode”.
- Then click on “Hide and Request Face ID”, “Hide and Request Touch ID” or “Hide and Request Code”.
- Authenticate yourself with your Face ID or with a code. Then click on “Hide App”.
- The app will then disappear from the home screen. It will be moved to the “Hidden” folder (App Library).
- Note: You can display a list of hidden apps. To do this, go to “Settings” ☻ “Apps” ☻ “Hidden Apps” and authenticate yourself with Face ID or a code.
Which apps cannot be hidden
Apps that you have downloaded from the App Store can be hidden again at a later date. However, there are apps on the iPad that you cannot hide.
- This includes preinstalled apps in iPadOS 18 or later.
- It also includes apps that you have set as an app marketplace or app browser.