Voicemail is activated by default on the iPhone. We show you how to deactivate the voicemail in this practical tip
Switching off voicemail on the iPhone
To switch off voicemail on the iPhone, proceed as follows:
- Open the “Phone” app on your iPhone and switch to the numeric keypad at the bottom:
- To switch off voicemail completely, ##002# enter and press the Call button.
- After a short wait, you will receive a confirmation. Tap on “OK”.
- You can of course set up the answering machine on the iPhone again if you need it.
Switch off individual voicemail functions
To switch off individual functions:
- ##62#: Deactivates call forwarding when the iPhone is switched off or has no reception
- ##61#: Deactivates delayed call forwarding.
- ##67#: Deactivates call forwarding when busy.
- ##21#: Deactivates global call forwarding.