Hydrangeas in pots: With the right care to great flowers

by Corinna

Care for hydrangeas in pots: Find the right location

In order for hydrangeas in pots to develop the full potential of their flowering splendour in the first place, they must be placed in an optimal location:

  • Potted hydrangeas are best placed outdoors in a semi-shady to shady spot.
  • To protect the plants from burns, they should never be exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Hydrangeas in pots also need to be well protected from wind, which is why a location close to the house is particularly suitable.
  • In the home, too, no hot sun should shine on the plants. If you put the hydrangeas in the pot in a cooler place in the evening, the flowers will last longer.

Provide sufficient water

Hortensias need an especially large supply of liquid. In order to prevent the plants from drying out and to maintain the splendour of the flowers, you should supply the hydrangeas in the pot with sufficient water:

  • Make sure that the substrate is always moist. The soil must not dry out, otherwise the plants will die of thirst.
  • You should avoid waterlogging, as the plants react very sensitively to it. Drainage can help here.
  • To determine whether the hydrangeas need water, orientate yourself on the moisture in the substrate. If the top centimetres of the soil are dry, the plants need liquid.
  • If it is particularly hot, you can also water the hydrangeas in the pot twice a day.

Use hydrangea soil and hydrangea fertiliser

Since hydrangeas do not tolerate lime, they should only be planted in special rhododendron or azalea soil. Hydrangea, rhododendron or azalea fertilisers provide an optimal supply of nutrients:

  • These requirements are met by special hydrangea, rhododendron or azalea soil.
  • While hydrangeas are growing between March and August, they need a fertiliser every 14 days to provide them with nutrients.
  • Hydrangea, rhododendron or azalea fertilisers that do not contain lime should also be used here.
  • If you use special fertiliser for blue hydrangeas, the flowers of the plants will be coloured a particularly intense blue. The colour of the hydrangea is influenced by the aluminium contained in it.

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