How I Met Your Mother: This is the end

by Johannes

How I Met Your Mother is one of the most popular sitcoms of the 21st century, even today, although it already ended in 2014. The series so thrilled fans that they started a petition for an alternative ending, as they didn’t like the intended ending

The actual end of How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother, or HIMYM for short, spans nine seasons. The series begins with Ted Mosby in 2030 telling his children how he met their mother. His narrative begins in 2005 and ends with Robin and Barney’s wedding and some time-lapse events.

  • The sitcom was characterized by a lot of humor and affectionate charm. Ted’s best friend Marshall is with Lily from the beginning and also marries her. In the end, they are shown having their second child.
  • Ted also meets Barney at the beginning. He is a ladies’ man and has many dates in the course of the series and therefore also tips Ted off. But Ted only loves one: Robin.
  • At the end of the eighth season, Robin chooses Barney. The final season deals with the wedding and its preparations. Ted, of course, is Barney’s best man.
  • At the ceremony, the ominous mother of Ted’s children also shows up, Tracy, who has only been talked about throughout the series. She plays in a band and is supposed to perform with them at the wedding. She first meets all of Ted’s friends before they meet for the first time.
  • Tracy’s partner has died and she hasn’t really let any man get close to her since. Ted is the first man she’s been happy with. That’s why it stung fans of the show to see Tracy get sick and die in time lapses.
  • In the final episode, we return to Ted in 2030, with his children understanding that he still loves Aunt Robin. The marriage between her and Barney didn’t last. Instead, Barney becomes a womanizer again and also impregnates a stranger.
  • Ted’s children finally urge their father to go back to Robin and ask her out. In doing so, he is supposed to give her the blue horn, which has been the subject of a couple of times in the series. He complies and that’s the end of How I Met Your Mother.

The alternate ending for HIMYM

Understandably, many did not like the ending. Although it was very creatively executed and never promised to be about how Ted met the mother of his children and became happy with her forever, fans started a petition. A happy ending was filmed and released on the series DVD and YouTube. This is the plot of the alternative ending of HIMYM:

  • The five friends and Tracy sit in their bar and Ted recaps how he came to meet them.
  • At this point, it also becomes clear that he had a lot to do with Robin and he only met Tracy because he released Robin to Barney.
  • In the end, however, everyone is happily married and Ted tells how he approached Tracy under the yellow umbrella. He had found this once and then returned it to her unknown. They both realize how many times they have almost met and fallen in love
  • Whether this is the better ending is for you to decide. Meanwhile, a spin-off, How I Met Your Father, has been released on Hulu. We have the series on Disney+.

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