Psyllium effect: How to use it in everyday life

by Tobias

Psyllium and psyllium husks are now a tried and tested household remedy with effect against all kinds of complaints. In this article you will learn how you can also use the miracle seeds in everyday life.

Flea seeds: Their effect on the body

Psyllium seeds are considered a recognised medicinal plant and can help with many physical problems. The effect of psyllium seeds lies in their mucilage, which is mainly found in the husk. The following list is intended to show you for which complaints you can use psyllium seeds in everyday life, for nutrition and health:

  • Stomach and intestinal problems: For stomach and intestinal problems, such as diarrhoea and constipation, psyllium seeds are a proven prescription. On the one hand, they have a water-binding effect. On the other hand, they promote intestinal activity in general, and thus get the process going again.
  • Intestinal cleansing: The mucilage in psyllium has another property that revs up the intestinal flora: it binds bacteria and toxins. This not only soothes inflammation, but also helps with intestinal cleansing, for example.
  • Chronic complaints: In the case of chronic gastrointestinal complaints, psyllium helps to sit protectively on the intestinal mucosa. This helps to soothe the stomach again and gives it the opportunity to regenerate.
  • Lose weight: Another useful property of psyllium seeds is their satiating effect. Psyllium seeds give the body a pleasant feeling of satiety and can thus help with weight loss. They contain a lot of healthy dietary fibre. Especially when you are at risk of satisfying a quick hunger with a chocolate bar, a few psyllium seeds are far more effective.
  • Extra tip for losing weight: You can also incorporate psyllium seeds into recipes, such as breads or mueslis. However, please note that psyllium seeds do not replace a meal! For a good balance in the body, please do not skip any meal.

    Flea seeds – what to look out for?

    Flea seeds can be bought as preparations or in capsules, but they are also easily available unprocessed. Take one teaspoonful of seeds with about 200 millilitres of water. It is very important that you also drink at least two glasses of water afterwards. During the entire application and especially if you are taking psyllium because of a disturbed intestinal flora, drinking is the be-all and end-all! Without sufficient fluid intake, the psyllium seeds cannot develop their effect.

    • Medicines: If you are also taking medication, make sure there is a time gap between the two intakes. Otherwise the psyllium may interfere with the effect of the medication.
      • Supportive effect: Please note that psyllium seeds are not a substitute for a visit to the doctor. It is essential to consult a doctor before taking psyllium. Allergic reactions may occur and people with oesophageal strictures, dysphagia and intestinal obstruction are also advised against psyllium.
      • Extra tip: Psyllium seeds are not only healthy, but also vegan, gluten-free and lactose-free. They can therefore be integrated into various diets.

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