Falling for phishing – what to do? How to behave correctly

by Johannes

Everyone should know what to do if they have fallen for phishing. After all, this can have unpleasant consequences

What you can do if you have fallen for phishing

Once you realize that you have fallen for a phishing scam, it is crucial to act quickly to minimize potential damage.

  • Change your access data: The first step is to change all affected access data. This includes passwords for online banking, email accounts, social networks and other online accounts. Use complex and unique passwords for each account to increase security
  • Report the incident: Inform your bank or the company concerned about the phishing incident immediately. This will enable them to take appropriate security measures and prevent possible misuse. Also report the incident to the relevant authorities, such as the police or the consumer advice center.
  • Check your accounts and transactions: Check all your accounts and transactions carefully for suspicious activity. Transfers or purchases that you have not authorized should be reported immediately. Contact your bank to claim and resolve any possible fraudulent transactions.

Preventive measures

In order to avoid future phishing attacks, it is important to take preventive measures and improve your security precautions.

  • Learn about common phishing methods and how to recognize suspicious emails or messages. Training and educational materials can help raise your awareness of phishing.
  • On the website of the consumer advice center you can see a list of numerous phishing cases, such as the case from 28.03.2024, in which the fraudsters tried to obtain the data of Comdirect customers by email.
  • Be suspicious of unexpected messages requesting personal or sensitive information and check the sender’s address carefully.
  • Make sure your computers, smartphones and other devices have up-to-date security software and antivirus programs. Regular updates and security patches help to close vulnerabilities and protect your devices from threats.
  • Use a firewall to monitor data traffic and block unwanted access.
  • Take time to regularly check your online accounts and transactions. This will allow you to recognize suspicious activity at an early stage and react accordingly.
  • Enable notifications for unusual activity on your accounts if necessary to be informed immediately if suspicious transactions occur.

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