WhatsApp class group: these rules help with class chat

by Pramith

A class group or a class chat in WhatsApp needs rules. Only in this way can a trouble-free communication succeed.

Rules for the WhatsApp class group

Once you have agreed with the students to start a class group on WhatsApp, you should discuss rules for communication. This will prevent trouble and bring different ideas about what content is communicated in the chat to a common denominator. Involve the parents in advance and ask for their consent to a WhatsApp group with the children. In the upper school it should also go without.

  • Pre-existing rules that you have agreed upon for the class community you transfer to the WhatsApp class group. In this way, you use an existing basis that you simply adapt to the digital exchange.
  • If it is a class group, all learners will be included in the WhatsApp group. As a teacher, you should communicate this clearly to the learners. This is not about sympathy or antipathy, but about making certain information available to all.
  • At the same time, agree with learners on consequences that will occur if someone breaks the agreed-upon rules.
  • For the actual communication in the chat, it should be agreed that no one is allowed to insult or blaspheme. Disparaging comments must be refrained from.
  • On the subject of pictures and videos, we recommend that you draw a clear line. You should not allow pictures or videos in a class group. You run the risk of depicting people who have not given consent. You can save yourself any trouble at this point by consistently saying “NO. “
  • Clear agreements would also need to be made about what content is posted in the class group. Since it is an exchange between learners and the respective teacher, the chat should be exclusively about school matters.
  • What exactly counts as school-related content must also be regulated very clearly. For example, as a teacher in this group, you are not allowed to announce or postpone deadlines for a class assignment or change exam topics. However, if someone has a question about clothing on the school trip, that is a justifiable content-related question.
  • Think ahead of time about how you will interact with learners who do not have smartphones or use WhatsApp. Since these learners would then be excluded from the class group, the question of whether it makes sense to create such a group arises.
  • Finally, you can still specify times when chatting takes place. Another useful rule is, for example, that messages intended only for one person are sent to that person privately. This way you avoid receiving too many messages that are superfluous and have no place in the class group.
  • An important issue is arguing. For this, it is best to clarify that any disputes that may arise while chatting will not be resolved in the chat, but will have to wait until everyone is in the classroom.


Appropriate action for rule violations

It depends, of course, on the age and awareness of the learners. That everyone follows all the rules at all times can succeed, but is unlikely. Therefore, all group members should be clear from the beginning what will happen if they break the rules.

  • If there is a rule violation while chatting, it makes sense to tell the person in a friendly way that he or she should please follow the rules.
  • You can also designate a person to explicitly make sure that the rules are followed. This can be, for example, the class president or the class representative. In this way, you transfer a piece of responsibility.
  • If learners nevertheless do not adhere to the agreed rules, these persons can be temporarily removed from the class group. You should then discuss the rule violation with all learners in the school. A suitable method for this is the class council.
  • In addition, for gross violations, bullying, and the use of photos and videos, contact parents as well. Invite them to the school for a meeting and discuss the issue in person.

This is what you should keep in mind about WhatsApp usage

Be sure to clarify beforehand, that is, before you start talking to students, whether WhatsApp use is allowed.

  • Some schools prohibit the use by the house rules or a similar set of rules. You should consider such individual requirements before creating a WhatsApp group.
  • There are even states that prohibit all teachers and learners in public schools from communicating via WhatsApp or Facebook.
  • Other federal states, on the other hand, allow WhatsApp use in everyday school life via the school supervisory authorities or ministries of culture or education, but have created a separate set of rules for dealing with social media.
  • As a teacher, always make sure that you conduct yourself appropriately for your status and office and comply with your duties of care.

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