Mushrooms: The culinary delicacy is so healthy

by Corinna

Mushrooms not only taste delicious, they are also healthy. Thanks to the nutrients and fibre they contain, eating mushrooms can therefore contribute to your health

Mushrooms: What makes them so healthy

Eatable mushrooms have a lowering effect on blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The reason for this is the many minerals and vitamins found in mushrooms. Both are important for the human body.

  • Mushrooms contain many vitamins of the vitamin B group. These include vitamins B2, niacin and pantothenic acid.
  • Mushrooms can also have minerals such as potassium, copper, selenium, phosphorus and iron.
  • The skin of mushrooms is made of chitin. Chitin is a dietary fibre. Fibre is important for healthy digestion and also provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety. For example, you can counteract obesity by eating fibre regularly.
  • Natural vitamin D protects you from osteoporosis. Because the vitamin is involved in bone metabolism and promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphate, it helps to counteract bone problems.
  • Because mushrooms are also rich in protein, you can also use them as a meat substitute. This factor is particularly interesting in a vegan diet. Proteins are important for muscle building, the blood and the immune system. Porcini mushrooms in particular are characterised by a high protein content.
  • This means that mushrooms are also energy suppliers that provide you with a good portion of dynamism. If you suffer from a protein deficiency, for example, mushrooms are a good choice to replenish your protein stores.

This is how healthy mushrooms are

Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that do not photosynthesise. They breathe oxygen and feed on organic material from the environment, which they absorb in dissolved form.

  • Fungi therefore belong neither to the cereals nor to the vegetables. They have a fleshy style and a cap. There are mushrooms that are edible, but some types of mushrooms are also poisonous. You should therefore only eat edible mushrooms.
  • Porcini mushrooms, mushrooms, morels and truffles as well as shiitake mushrooms are particularly healthy.
  • Chanterelles contain particularly high levels of iron. Iron is necessary for the formation of red blood cells. Zinc is also found in many types of mushrooms. Zinc is needed for the metabolism and the immune system.
  • Because mushrooms consist mainly of water, they are also very good for losing weight. Also because they contain a lot of fibre and are filling. 100 grams of mushrooms contain only two grams of dietary fibre. Truffles and porcini mushrooms, however, contain up to 16 grams.

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