What does “In a nutshell” mean? Simply explained

by Corinna

The English term “in a nutshell” is being used more and more frequently – but what does it mean? And how is the term to be understood in German?

What “in a nutshell” means

The English term “in a nutshell” is becoming increasingly popular and is frequently used on social media in particular. The German translation already suggests what it means:

  • “in a nutshell” means something like “in a nutshell” or “summarized”. “Essentially” can also be seen as a translation:
  • Literally, “in a nutshell” means “in a nutshell”. This metaphor can be understood to mean that a topic is summarized compactly and therefore fits into a nutshell.
  • The term usually appears at the beginning of a sentence and indicates that a short summary of a topic follows in the next sentence.

The origin of “in a nutshell “

“In a nutshell” is actually an old term that has been used for a long time. The origin therefore goes way back.

  • The phrase “in a nutshell” has its origins in antiquity. Even back then, people used the meaning of the word in their everyday language.
  • The term therefore has Latin roots and is a variation of “in nuce”. This is understood to mean “in a nut”
  • Today, the term is mostly used in its English form in German too. It is a useful term for short videos, on social media or in everyday language.

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