Lose weight and fat with lemon: How it works

by Mike

Lemon helps you lose weight and fat. You have the high vitamin C content of the southern fruit to thank for this in the first place. A lot of other ingredients in the lemon make your body healthy and fit.

Lose weight and fat with lemon – this is why it works

The lemon is primarily valued for its high vitamin C content. Thus, the daily consumption of the fruit helps the immune system, which can ultimately better protect the body against viruses and bacteria. And that is by no means the only benefit of the fruit.

  • One lemon provides your body with half of its daily requirement of vitamin C. The fruit has an antibacterial effect on the human body. It also contains a lot of magnesium, which is good for muscle support and nerves.
  • Collagen helps skin, tendons and ligaments stay elastic. Blood vessels, bones, teeth, nails, hair and fresh wounds also need the substance. In addition, vitamin C fights free radicals, protecting you from ageing.
  • The high content of vitamin C is also supportive for hormone formation. In particular, the happiness hormone serotonin and noradrenaline, which kick-starts the burning of substances – i.e. fat.
  • Excess fat is dissolved in the muscle cells through the regular intake of vitamin C. The muscles become firmer as a result. The muscles become firmer as a result. Alternating muscle and endurance training thus increases the formation of muscle mass. Fat formation decreases.
  • After fat burning, stretch marks, wrinkles or sagging skin often form. The collagen contained in lemon supports the firmness of the skin.
  • The better your digestion and metabolism work, the faster and more effectively your body burns fat. The ascorbic acid contained in lemon naturally supports the digestive system, especially after eating fatty foods.
  • In addition to vitamin C and collagen, lemons contain a lot of potassium. This has a positive effect on your body’s electrolyte balance. But not only that: it also has a diuretic effect by flushing toxins out of the body. This helps the heart, kidneys and muscles to function properly.
  • If you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet, you can use lemons to help you utilise iron supplements.

Lemon water to lose weight

If you want to follow a lemon diet, then lemon water is a must. You should always drink this before breakfast to get your metabolism going.

  • You can support your metabolism and stimulate fat burning with lemon tea with ginger or homemade lemon water.
  • Add the juice of half a lemon to cool water. Depending on your taste, you can use agave syrup or honey to sweeten.
    • To make ginger tea with lemon, add a few slices of ginger to boiling water and let it steep for about ten minutes. Then add as much lemon juice as you like and taste again with honey or agave syrup.
    • As ascorbic acid is very sensitive to light, it can be destroyed by strong heat. Therefore, do not add the lemon juice to the water until it has cooled down.
      • When buying lemons, you should pay attention to the shine of the peel. The shinier, the riper the fruit.
      • It is best to buy organic lemons. The likelihood of getting a product with pesticides or similar is lower here.
      • Lemons don’t like cold, so they should never be stored in the refrigerator. The longer you store lemons, the less vitamin C they contain.

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